Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Virgin Mobile's "A Fair Go For All" Campaign Entry # 5

Print Media is another tool that marketers use to deliver marketing messages to their target audience. Print media refers to the paid form of advertising that features in newspapers and magazines, usually in predetermined spaces made available by the editor of the publication. Advertisements in newspapers and magazines are not a new concept but they are effective at gaining the attention of consumers and providing them with information. Virgin Mobile's "a fair go for all" campaign features many advertisements on a smaller scale with only a few words and limited image space (more to encourage recall of the brand). Two main print media advertisements, both of which were printed in full colour and spanned the entire page are the ones I will be focusing on in this blog. 

The first print advertisement features the protagonist Robin Da Hood sending consumers a humorous message that Virgin Mobile was going to compete against the other major telco companies through the slogan "I'm getting medieval on the assess of unfairness". This advertisement is focused on brand promotion.
(Picture courtesy of
The second print advertisement is a little different in that the message is more related to the actual service provided by Virgin Mobile. The overall message still retains the feel of brand promotion, but lets consumers know that mobile phone credit can be rolled over from the previous month to the next. 
(Picture courtesy of
The role of these print media advertisements is to promote and reinforce the brand name of Virgin Mobile whilst providing consumers with limited knowledge about actual products and services they provide. It further demonstrates the IMC strategy of the overall brand in delivering consistent messages through the display of familiar colour (royal red) and the face of the campaign Robin himself.

The Newspaper Works            -

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