Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Virgin Mobile's "A Fair Go For All" Campaign Entry # 6

After taking a closer look at Virgin Mobile's IMC campaign "A Fair Go For All". I have come to the conclusion that it does a fantastic job of creating brand awareness. It is original in concept and continues to evolve its messages as the campaign's life-cycle ages. The IMC tools featured in this campaign include; TV commercials, interactive media through the stand-alone website, the internet as a platform for free advertising on YouTube and print media through newspapers and magazines.

The message is consistent throughout these channels of communication and presents a united front for Virgin Mobile Australia. Message Integration has enabled Virgin to promote it's mobile brand through verbal and visual consistency through the familiar (royal red) colours on all platforms of advertising, the famous virgin logo and the common image of the campaign's protagonist, Robin Da Hood. All in all, I believe that the "A Fair Go For All" IMC campaign is effective in the promotion of the brand. However, if Virgin wishes to continue their success in efforts to further persuade consumers of their brand, they need to continue to improve and develop their informative messages relating to actual consumer products and services.
(Picture courtesy of

Reference List:
Text Book Readings
Belch, Belch, Kerr, Powell, 2009, Advertising and Promotion, McGraw Hill Australia Pty Ltd.
                                                 - Chapter 2: IMC: How Marketing Communication Changed, Pages 43-51.
                                                 - Chapter 9: Message Strategy and Execution, Pages 270-278.
Web Documents
2011, RobinDaHood Interactive Stand-Alone Website, viewed August 2-24 2011 
2011, Virgin Mobile Australia Official Website, viewed August 2-24 2011
2011, YouTube, VirginMobileAus, viewed August 2-24 2011 
2011, The Newspaper Works, Robin Da Hood Comes To Press, viewed August 2-24 2011 
2011, The Newspaper Works, Robin Da Hood Rolls Over, viewed August 2-24 2011 

1 comment:

  1. This post is very useful and very interesting to read,well ! Place newspaper classified ads. PERM Immigration newspaper advertising, newspaper network advertising service. Place one ad into multiple newspaper networks, magazines and alternative media.
