Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Virgin Mobile's "A Fair Go For All" Campaign Entry # 1

It seems to be a growing rarity when an advertisement leaves you curious, leaves you wanting more. Virgin Mobile's latest campaign does just that. Virgin's new "A Fair Go For All" campaign is the latest IMC campaign from Richard Branson's bunch and with a raw sense of comedy these marketing messages make are ones to look out for next time you are watching TV, browsing the newspaper or even surfing YouTube. 

Before I go any further I should take a minute to explain what IMC is. Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is a strategic process used to plan, develop, execute and evaluate persuasive brand communication programs over time (Don Schultz). Basically what that means, is that IMC is an approach that many organisations use to send a consistent message to the public regarding either the organisations image and/or specific products or services in which they provide.

The campaign includes half a dozen hilarious TV spots that air mainly during prime-time, a dedicated stand alone website (http://www.robindahood.com.au) which features different types of interactive media for those of us who are computer savvy, an effort through the YouTube community to reach out to the audiences that don't get exposed to the messages through traditional approaches and print coverage in the form of newspaper and magazine advertisements.

Created and developed in partnership with Virgin Mobile and MPG Media, "Publicis Mojo" (responsible for the recent "Hahn Super Dry" TV advertisement) have created a very memorable and entertaining set of messages. The concept is a parody based on the legendary tale of Robin Hood who steals from the rich and gives to the poor. The character in this campaign "Robin Da Hood", 'liberates people from unhappiness and unfairness' by bringing them 'choice and merriness'. A clever slogan that delivers a clear marketing message to consumers.

These series of marketing messages come about after a recent study indicating that Australian consumers have become increasingly dissatisfied with the larget teco companies  for being "ripped-off". Virgin Mobile's campaign is cleverly constructed to make the consumer feel "liberated" through their sense of humour and by giving "a fair go for all" on all things mobile phones.

The campaign launched on July 3 and is set to run for the foreseeable future. 

AdNews Archive                    - http://www.adnews.com.au/campaign/a-fair-go-for-all
RobinDaHood Stand-Alone      - http://www.robindahood.com.au

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