Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Virgin Mobile's "A Fair Go For All" Campaign Entry # 4

In the previous blog I touched upon Virgin Mobile's use of the very popular media streaming website called YouTube. YouTube is a massive library of footage uploaded by millions of users around the world and it has become a valuable medium for marketers as an IMC campaign tool. Virgin Mobile has uploaded all of their campaign content on their channel (VirginMobileAus) and one of their clips featured on YouTube's homepage as a "Trend" on July 18. This indicated that a significant number of people were viewing the content which in turn was creating free additional awareness for the brand.

Although Robin Da Hood TV spots are concerned with promoting and creating awareness of the brand name, consumers may need more convincing that Virgin is the brand for them. To further persuade consumers, content was streamed live to YouTube of the popular festival "Splendour In The Grass" sponsored by Virgin Mobile. This means that fans of bands such as Coldplay, The Vines and Kaiser Chiefs can watch them play for free on Virgin Mobile's YouTube channel.

Virgin's use of YouTube to promote their brand has been successful however, it is not the only reason the mobile company uses the media streaming site. Virgin Mobile also uses YouTube as an informational tool to educate consumers on upcoming products and services while assisting existing customers with FAQ type videos hosted by Virgin representatives Max and Lewis. I believe that the combined efforts of the interactive media from Virgin Mobile's websites and YouTube channel resonate a consistent and unified front on the marketing message from Virgin Mobile. 

Virgin Mobile YouTube            -

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